Top 10 gardening tips for beginners

Nishtha Sharma
5 min readFeb 5, 2021
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Wish to grow your garden? Well, who wouldn’t?

According to a survey, being outside in the fresh air is one of the most important (74 percent) reason to start gardening. Watching something grow and thrive is the next most satisfying reason (58 percent), which says it all!

Adding a garden to your home is surely the right thing to do. It not only makes your yard beautiful and brighter but benefits you in so many ways.

But if you never gardened before and consider yourself a beginner then this shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your wish.

Here are the top 10 tips for starting your garden:

1. Choose the right spot

The sunny spot of your yard is an ideal location for plants to grow. A site receiving at least 5–6 hours of direct sunlight is necessary for most of the edible vegetables, fruits, and herbs. A place receiving strong winds should be avoided. Also, it’s good to set up your garden where you will see it regularly, otherwise, it might get out of your mind to take care of it.

2. Know what to plant

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Make a list of all the kinds of plants that you want to grow in your garden. But that’s just not enough, it’s good to study them first. It’s necessary to search their growing conditions such as the light they require, the idle climate and temperature for them to grow, and the space they need. With the help of this information, finalize the plants best suitable for your place.

3. Examine your soil

Good nutritious soil helps plants to grow well. The soil must have the right pH and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in it. To know whether your soil is idle for gardening or not, it’s good to send its sample for the test or use an at-home kit. If you want to plant in containers or raised beds, invest in nutrient-rich soil.

4. Get the basic tools for gardening

Photo by Daniel von Appen on Unsplash

Some basic gardening tools are so essential to plant easily without running into a mess. These must-haves are pruning scissors (for cutting back plants and their dead parts); a spade, a trowel, and garden fork (for digging and removing clumps); a watering can (for watering purpose); forked trowel and a gardening knife (for removing weeds); water-resistant gloves.

5. Plan your greens

Before getting started, it’s very important to do the planning. Map out where each plant will go. Be careful about their spacing. It’s also preferred to label your plants so that you know exactly where each of your plants is. You can find all the creative and unique ideas to make your garden more happening and organized.

6. Using raised beds and containers

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Planting in containers and raised beds is considered more easy, convenient, and attractive. If you have a small space, then using containers would be very helpful. They help in controlling weeds as well as in separating plants according to our needs. You can design beds in such a way that it maximizes your growing space.

7. Planting with care

Most of the seed packets come with basic instructions, follow them. Dig your soil as deep as mentioned on the packet, place your seed and cover it up with soil ensuring that the seed isn’t exposed. While planting a young plant, dig a hole double the size of the root ball. Add organic fertilizer to boost the growth and then place the root ball in it. Cover it up with soil nicely.

Do not forget to water your seed or plant after planting.

8. Water your plants right

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

The watered plants are more vigorous and resistant to disease and/or adverse environmental conditions. The right amount of water should be given to the plants. Overwatering leads to waterlogging whereas watering less can make your plant dry and dead. The right way to water your plants is to water them slowly such that it reaches up to the roots. The young plants need to be watered daily whereas developed plants need to be watered after every 2–3 days.

To check whether your plant is thirsty or not, push your finger inside the soil. If it’s dry, then you should water it.

9. Use organic fertilizers

Feeding your soil is equivalent to feeding your plant. A great soil remains great when you add substances that boost its nutrition. Organic fertilizer such as manure, compost, bone meal is used for this purpose. The best thing about them is that you can prepare them on your own. So, it’s not only healthy for your plant but budget-friendly for you.

10. Mulch can be your best buddy!

Photo by Maddy Baker on Unsplash

Adding a layer of mulch helps to conserve soil moisture, improving soil fertility by adding nutrition to the soil after decomposition, and reducing the growth of weeds. It also gives a nice visual appeal to your garden and keeps your soil cool. Depending on the plants you have, you may consider mulch for your plants.


Proper maintenance of your garden is the most rewarding thing you can do for it. Take out some time for pruning, removing weeds, feeding your plants, and watering them on time. Get rid of diseases and pests. After everything is done, all you need to do is BE PATIENT!

Starting gardening might seem scary but in reality, it’s not. Once your garden is all set up and starts blooming beautifully, not only you will be proud of yourself but also genuinely happy.



Nishtha Sharma

Nishtha is a freelance writer and an enthusiast from India.